Thursday, 19 March 2009

Advert 2

Three days before the deadline advert 2 was still not started. As I have all frees on a wednesday I spent the day dedicated to completeing advert 2. Ten hours later and I had pretty much completed it all that was missing was the finishing scene. When i put all the clips onto premier to edit i found that it was alot easirt than i had first expected. I managed to slow down all the clips so that the movement wasnt to fast and that there was enough time to read the writing on the screen. What I have found is that with the clips slowed down the movement is slightly too slow but because I didnt do enough shoots using Frame By Frame there was nothing I could do about it now. Overall I am happy with the out come of advert 2 and with one last clip to go we are not far from meeting our deadline well apart from advert 3 but like advert 2 as long as we can deadicate some time to it I dont think it will take as long or be as complcated as advert 1.

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